2025 Girls (Peoria Area) Tryouts Information
2025 Girls (Peoria Area) Tryouts Information
Please find below a list of our try-out information for the 2025 season for all Girls Teams. Theses tryouts are for our National & Regional teams that will practice in the Peoria area. The season will run from right after try-outs through mid July with breaks included. Schedules will be determined for most teams in a parent meeting following teams being picked. We will try and work with teams to put together a schedule that fits the majority of the team. We do have many players in the 3rd-6th levels that play multiple sports and we can traditionally work around most conflicts in scheduling as long as there are open weekends to be able to work with players on. Please note that most of our younger teams and Regional teams will play a predominantly local schedule. Only our Junior High National teams and all high school teams will have schedules that include more traveling/overnights. Team practices will be on Sunday afternoons and possibly Saturday afternoons depending on the team. We will do individual breakdown/workouts during the week with sign-up options like we did last year to help players doing multiple activities still able to get to workouts. All additional information will be explained further at tryouts and at the parent meeting following teams being announced.
Please make sure you select the correct tryout when picking an option in the drop-down at the bottom of the page.
February 2nd - Tryouts for Current 4th-7th Girls (Bloomington/Normal Area)
Time: 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Check-In begins at 2:00 p.m.
Location: Kingsley Jr. High, 303 Kingsley St., Normal, IL 61761
March 1st & March 2nd - Tryouts for Current 3rd-5th Girls
Time: 1:15 - 2:30 p.m. on March 1st & 12:00-1:30 p.m. on March 2nd
Check-In begins 30 minutes prior to try-outs start time
March 9th - Tryouts for Current 9th-11th Girls
Time: 12:00-2:00 p.m.
Check-In begins 11:30 a.m.
Additional Information:
Location: 13120 IL-91, Dunlap, IL 61525
Cost: $10
Bring: Own basketball and water bottle
You do not need to attend tryouts that are 2 days, however, coming both dates helps players get fully evaluated and placed on the appropriate teams
Contact: Riley Gardner, rgardner@heartofillinoisbasketball.com, 309-645-4204